TenderLove Community


We empower people into self-sufficiency and overall well-being.

We are committed advocates for empowering women from vulnerable and under-served communities to become strong and self-sufficient. We are on a mission to empower women in mind and body, through supportive services that are equitable for all women.

In our pillars of mental and physical health services, we cater to the needs of each woman by providing a platform to become an example for the community. Our programs include life skills training and trauma-informed services, to assist women along their journey into self-sufficiency and stability.

Rooted in the knowledge that every woman’s story is different, TenderLove meets women where they are, bringing custom care and offering spaces where women are seen, heard, and have the chance to heal. Looking ahead, we will scale our reach to impact more women toward a healthier body, mind, and community.

How we do it

We create

a community of connections with individual support so that vulnerable individuals and their families can create positive changes in their lives and communities.

We are

a safe, supportive environment where individuals recovering from domestic violence, incarceration, trafficking, marginalization, can learn life and job skills and make connections to wrap-around services.

We engage

individuals in programs and services that are matched to their interests, their talents, and their needs. (Follow this link for more information)

We promote

individual responsibility and community awareness.

We house

women in recovery who are in good standing with our programs, women with children in need of transitional housing, and young people transitioning from foster care to independent living. (Follow this link for more information)


Contact Us:

Email Us

Call Us

(505) 349-1795

Center Address

1518 Girard Blvd., NE  / Albuquerque, NM / 87106